Our Chapter established a scholarship fund through the ASSP Foundation, the charitable arm of ASSP. Our scholarship criteria was established on 5/18/05 and reads as follows:
West Florida Chapter Scholarship
One award @ $1,000
For students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in occupational safety & health or a closely related field. Priority will be given to students that are members of the ASSP West Florida Chapter or any student attending the University of South Florida.
In addition, student must meet other criteria established by the Foundation’s Education Committee:
- Enrolled in an occupational safety, health & environment or closely-related degree program-verifies 12 or more hours as undergraduate & 9 or more hours as a grad student;
- Official transcript with official seal required;
- Recommended by a safety faculty member;
- Good academic standing;
- Completion of at least 60 semester hours for undergraduate application (this means the student is at junior status)
- Overall GPA of 3.0 out of a 4.0 system on all undergraduate work;
- Overall GPA 3.5 our of 4.0 on all graduate work;
- ASSP student membership required for all full-time students;
- Part-time students applying for awards must be ASSP members at the general or professional level;
- Previous recipients of ASSP Foundation scholarship awards are not eligible;
- Consideration is given to work experience, school activities, career goals, & financial need.
Donations/Contributions towards our Chapter scholarship